Topics Covered:

  • Teaching an automatic sit when Baby is present.
  • Acclimating Pup to the sounds of Baby crying.
  • Pairing Baby and crying with food in our Pup’s mind.
  • Ignoring the Pup when the baby is not around, and sharing affection and attention when
  • the human Baby IS around.
  • PLACE command; lots of people will be coming in and out of your home in the first
  • couple weeks; teach your Pup to behave for guests entering.
  • LEAVE IT; leave Baby toys and blankies alone.
  • BACK; you’re crowding us, back up, we need some space.
  • WALKING ON LEASH WITH STROLLER; Not as easy as it sounds!

Lesson Schedule

Call and reserve your spot as space is limited.

Lesson Cost

Cost: $110

Additional Options

Looking for a more individualized curriculum? The Joyful Dog trainers will come to your house and teach four sessions of a personalized Preparing For Baby course for you and your family. What a way to welcome your newest little one!

Cost: $200

Preparing for Baby

Baby Preparation for You AND Your Four-Legged Child

4 one-hour classes that will prepare you to establish a great relationship between your first baby and the new baby; focusing on:

• Building a Positive Association for your pup with the new family member

• Teaching skills your four-legged friend will need with a new tiny human around

• Pro-active and Preventative training that will ensure that your family blends seamlessly